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【 9 月 6 日 「高教深耕特色領域中心」臺大計量中心成果發表會】
日期:2022 年 9 月 6 日 (週二) 上午 10:30~12:00
講者:陳依依副教授 (逢甲大學經濟系)
演講主題:The effect of peer learning on teamwork: evidence from a natural field experiment
臺大計量中心執行教育部與科技部「高教深耕特色領域中心」專案計畫「國家整體發展的數據分析與評估」,以下包含4個子計畫、23個孫計畫,本次成果講座為子計畫三之孫計畫二「實驗方法(Visible Wealth Inequality and Prosocial Behavior)」之研究成果,主題為「The effect of peer learning on teamwork: evidence from a natural field experiment」,主講人為「陳依依 / 逢甲大學經濟系副教授」,演講綱要:In addition to collaboration, team formation benefits total productivity due to either peer pressure or peer learning. To distinguish peer learning from peer pressure in teamwork, this paper conducts a natural field experiment in a financial company where subjects are part-time workers recruited by the company to distribute flyers to attract potential customers. The experiment consists of three stages: in the first and last stage, workers work alone; in the second stage, workers in the treatment group are teamed with another worker, while workers in the control group remain alone. We find that treatment group workers perform significantly better than control group ones in the third stage, even though there is little difference in the first stage. In addition, information regarding peer success in various types of customers also increases worker performance and may be driving the treatment effect. Both findings imply that peer learning indeed affects productivity.
講者:陳依依 逢甲大學經濟系副教授、臺大計量中心「高教深耕特色領域中心」專案計畫協同研究人員
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