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【 9 月 12 日 「高教深耕特色領域中心」臺大計量中心成果發表會】
日期:2022 年 9 月 12 日 (週一) 上午 09:00~10:30
講者:李宗穎副教授 (臺大經濟系)
演講主題:Do Patients Benefit from Price Transparency in Healthcare? Evidence from Medical Implants in Taiwan
臺大計量中心執行教育部與科技部「高教深耕特色領域中心」專案計畫「國家整體發展的數據分析與評估」,以下包含4個子計畫、23個孫計畫,本次成果講座為子計畫三之孫計畫一「商業應用-網路購物」之研究成果,主題為「Do Patients Benefit from Price Transparency in Healthcare? Evidence from Medical Implants in Taiwan」,主講人為「李宗穎 / 臺大經濟系副教授」,演講綱要:Healthcare reformers sometimes call for greater price transparency, for example requiring that hospitals post prices on the Internet or that drug companies post prices in advertisements. In Taiwan in 2014, the government mandated greater transparency for hospital prices for medical implants. Hospitals were required to publish and continuously update actual transaction prices on a price comparison website. I estimate the effect of this transparency mandate on prices using variation across products and providers before and after the policy change. I find that the price transparency policy reduced prices in markets with easy access to the price comparison website and raised prices in markets where access to the website is costly. The magnitude of price changes is larger for products mostly used in a non-emergency setting and for markets with sufficient competition. These findings suggest policymakers should consider search costs, product characteristics, and market structure when promoting price transparency.
講者:李宗穎 臺大經濟系副教授、臺大計量中心「高教深耕特色領域中心」專案計畫孫計畫主持人
報名期限:2022/9/8 (四) 中午 12:00